Thursday, June 25, 2009 My Banana Seat Bicycles Back

My first banana seat bicycle.

When I was a kid (in the 1960's) I wanted one of those new bicycles banana seat bicycles more than anything. They had cool handlebars and a banana seat that allowed you and a buddy to comfortably piggy back (no more of the unsafe and uncomfortable riding on the handlebars) down the block or across town. Those banana bicycles also came in awesome orange, green and red and if your Dad knew his P's and Q's he put a playing card in the spokes so the bike sounded like a motorcycle chopper. But alas we were poor people and I knew getting a new bicycle was out of the question.

Well I was partly right. You see there was twice in my life when my mother was surprizingly intuitive (once when she wouldn't let me buy stretch pants for the second year in a row) and she put her own plan to work. She got a old bicycle frame, handlbars from the police auction and a banana seat from the junk yard. My father sanded and painted the frame and for my 11th birthday I got the greatest gift a boy could ever have. His own banana seat bicycle.

So it gave me great pleasure to see that had reintroduced the old Banana Seat Bicycles and my own son could have his also. His eyes sparkled like mine when I first gave that bike to him and it has made for wonderful days with just the two of us taking a bicycle ride. . . .


You can get your own Banana Seat Bicycle at
