Back from the gym where I rode a stationery bike and the workout has my left hip socket sore and hurting. I don't understand why this happens on a stationary bike because I never get this riding the streets.
I skipped the "full" workout today because I'm feeling kind of down. Swine Flu thing is a little scary and I don't want to push the headache/body aches coming on but fortunately I'm not in a high risk category i.e. elderly and young ones.
Ever wonder who will be greater in the long history of Augliar, Brittany Spears, Hannah Montana or Lindsey Lohan? You have to admire Billy Cyrus handling of the kid.
Closing for tonight because with bike season starting up the orders are getting crazy and I need the rest. Nice to be on the wholesale side of things even though the trips to the plant in China have been limited.
Thanks Sue for the job and the rant. Your a great boss.